Both men and women ask for blood group before marriage. Why? - Health Tips - Urdu Videos

Researchers say that the risk of childbirth is common when the couple's blood type is incompatible. Children born to couples who have blood problems face a lot of health problems. So it is advisable to know the blood type of the partner before marriage.

Why should both men and women ask for blood group before marriage?
Usually, before marriage, our people will see horoscope matching. But researchers say that it is necessary to see blood matching before marriage. They are of the opinion that the world will have healthy children. This is because the study suggests that children with birth defects are born when choosing a mate without looking at the blood type. Because the blood type of a couple can determine the health of their child.
Blood Types

Blood Types.
Humans have different types of blood. You may have heard of the ABO and Rh blood type in it. ABO is a group of different types of blood groups. A, B, O, and AB are. At the same time, Rh can be a type of protein in or out of your red blood cells. Hence, red blood cells are referred to as positive blood type symptoms of Rh proteins, and those who do not have a negative blood type. Rh-positive is the most common type of blood. Rh-negative is the rarest blood type. Researchers say that this negative blood type does not affect your health but can affect your pregnancy.
How to prevent this damage?

How to prevent this damage?

It is, therefore, necessary for couples to check their Rh before getting married or having a child. It is not complicated if you and your partner are Rh-positive or negative. But when the baby's mother is Rh-negative and the father is positive, the baby may be born RH positive. In such a case, there is a possibility of excessive bleeding and many complications during delivery.

This is why this unmatched blood type can lead to a process called isoimulation. When this happens, the baby's blood may enter the mother's body when it is in the womb. Doctors say this can lead to postpregnancy complications. Doctors say that even if the mother and the baby do not have problems, there is a risk of blood mixing with a father with Rh-positive.
Mother-Father Blood Type

Mother-Father Blood Type.
Therefore, doctors recommend that you avoid the birth of an Rh-positive baby from an Rh-negative mother and from an Rh-positive father.
What to do if the couple's blood type does not match
In the case of a couple's blood type mismatch, treatment is necessary. An Rh-negative mother and father with Rh-positive blood type are used as an anti-D-injection therapy. This injection is given to prevent the formation of antibodies in the mother's blood when exposed to the father's Rh-positive blood. Because the formation of antibodies can affect the baby with diseases like jaundice and anemia. So it is advisable for couples to take this injection to improve their child's health. Therefore, doctors recommend parents to be aware of their blood type before marriage.
Sexual infection

Sexual infection.
Test for sexually transmitted infections of couples
It is important for the couple to have a blood test to check if any of them are affected by a human immune impaired virus (HIV) positive or any sexually transmitted disease (STD). This will prevent the spread of infectious diseases to you.
When you go for a blood test, also do thalassemia. People with thalassemia have low red blood cells in size. This means that the shape of red blood cells is decreasing. This condition is likely to increase the risk of birth defects.

Two thalassemia minor disorder patients are likely to give birth to a major defective child. This will result in the child depending on blood transfusion syndrome throughout his life. He needs to make blood transfusions every month to survive. This will be an expensive issue. The child may also experience chronic pain. Therefore, doctors recommend that parents with thalassemia minor avoid childbirth.
Hence, researchers say that it is important for couples to have a blood type, blood test, and thalassemia before marriage to keep their offspring healthy. They should also realize the necessity of this.
